Angular | Mapbox | Flood monitoring "Observatoire des crues du bassin versant du Lot" is a flood monitoring application to visualize flood histories and probabilities.
React | Redux | UX | is a flight comparator which provide full information about the flight and onboard comfort. It's goal is to promote the A380 flight through the passengers community.
React | A11y | electron | Accessimap Accessimap's goal is to bring cartography to visual impaired, thanks to suited invisible interactions (touch, sounds,...) and using open source data (OpenStreetMap).
Dataviz | D3 | Plotly | Data visualization For many projects, I had to draw data visualisations indicators. Depending on clients needs and constraints, I used different libraries like PlotlyJS, AmCharts or D3.
Leaflet | VueJS | Artl@s Artl@s provides a map of exhibitions, exhibitors and exhibition works in whole world.
Leaflet | Vanilla JS | Toulouse Exploralab Enhancing scientific laboratories through an imaginary world
Wordpress | SEO | Pole Dance Grenoble Website for a Pole Dance school in Grenoble. Based on a provided design mockup, I developed a responsive Wordpress theme.
HTML | CSS | Dartagnan Dartagnan is a SaaS platform for building responsive emails. I worked on the early stage to develop the interactive email editor.
Game | Flash | Les Zinzins de l'Espace In 2012, I was working with 3DDUO, a french games studio on a a social game on Facebook : "Les Zinzin de l'Espace, Panique au Grenier".
HTML | CSS | Sana Soudure In January 2012, for Goweb, I developed Sana showcase website. The aim of this site is to present the company and their products catalog.