iflyA380.com is a flight comparator which provide full information about the flight and onboard comfort. It's goal is to promote the A380 flight through the passengers community.
From december 2016 to 2018, I worked for Airbus on iflya380.com website. I worked mainly on front end flights search engine.
I focused on two things :
Enhance data organization and code maintainability
The main form and flight results are built with React and Redux. We use Redux to parse received data and show flight combinations. I also write many unit tests with Jest to ensure given data are correct and make application more robust.

Update the design for a better user experience
We worked with UX designers to provide a simpler web application. We were in continuous development and test each modifications with some users.
The checkout for flight booking is quite complex : we need to show a lot of essentials informations like airports, date and hours, passengers count, etc. especially on mobile. The checkout tunnel have been redesign to provide a better experience.